Financial Assistance
The business world and entrepreneurs are well aware that organizations offering financial assistance have become increasingly selective with their choice of candidates.
Consequently, businesses are becoming increasingly dependent on the diversity of resources to finance their projects.
Every year, governments invest billions of dollars to facilitate the start-up, development and growth of businesses. An increasing number of private organizations also offer different types of non-traditional financing to Canadian businesses.
Foundations, some large businesses and an increasing number of private organizations develop investment funds and funding programs to support the creation, succession and growth of businesses as well as the development of innovating products and services.
Whether the financing is offered by government or private organizations, the proposed funds are often essential to the survival, development and growth of a large number of businesses.
It has become imperative for business directors and managers to identify, know and understand the multiple forms of financial assistance and financing sources available to them.
Often available according to size and other characteristics related to the targeted business, the diverse types of financing programs and financial assistance could take many forms and provide different advantages.