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Is a tax audit a disaster? (05/03/2017)
Online May 18...Module 1 For Free...
If you were audited and you had a practical understanding of the audit to let you know how to react from beginning to end. Module 1 gives you information about the audits and the importance this training could have for you. more...
Free Training... Online Soon! (03/15/2017)
Demystified Tax Audit...
In recent months, I have developed online training to help you protect your interests in case of a tax audit... by teaching you how to react and interact with auditors. more...
SAFEC at the Salon HEC Montréal Entreprend (04/09/2014)
HEC Jury and Prize
SAFEC was requested to act as a jury member during the "Salon HEC Montréal Entreprend." The task at hand was the evaluation of various business projects developed by students registered in the program "Business Creation. more...
A stronger partnership than ever! (04/04/2014)
Presentations to chambers
SAFEC continues to implement its offer within Quebec’s business community. Over a period of 3 weeks, we have conducted 32 webinars for the general managers and board members of Quebec chambers of commerce, during which we shared SAFEC’s values and mission. more...
Regular Plus Subscription (04/03/2014)
New Product
We have added a new product to our selection of Subscriptions: Regular Plus Subscription. This addition aims to improve our offer, make it more flexible and enable those without the funds for a Premium Subscription to access its Flexi-Guarantee. more...
SAFEC Celebrates its 10th Anniversary (04/01/2014)
Online for 10 Years
SAFEC is celebrating its 10th anniversary this April 2014. We wish to thank our member and subscribers as well as all the organizations and people who collaborated with us throughout the past 10 years for making SAFEC (Support, Assistance and Financing for Entrepreneurs in Canada) a strong and innovative business. more...
Official Launch: Alert Report and System (03/28/2014)
Alert Report and System
The Alert Report now allows SAFEC users to benefit from the effectiveness of monitoring tools. These tools analyze, 4-5 times a day, over 12,000 "web objects" scattered throughout 700 websites, and alert our researchers of changes made to the data of assistance programs listed in our database. more...
Initial Subscription, Now 3 Months (03/21/2014)
Modification of the Initial Subscription’s Duration
Following the launch of the Alert Report and the phenomenal growth of our renewal rate, the initial duration of a SAFEC subscription, which was of 6 months, was reduced to 3 months. more...
HEC Presentation (03/17/2014)
Workshop for HEC Students
Winning Collaboration for Moisson Montréal and SAFEC (03/14/2014)
SAFEC and Moisson Montréal Partnership
For the last 30 years, Moisson Montréal has fought for a fundamental right, the right to have sufficient food with access to a variety of nutritious and quality food. more...
Alpha 2014 Contest Finalist (03/07/2014)
SAFEC - Alpha 2014 Contest Finalist
We are pleased to announce that SAFEC has been selected as a finalist of the 30th Alpha competition edition, organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Saint-Laurent Mont-Royal to recognize the merit of companies within its territory. more...
New: Your Virtual Assistant (02/21/2014)
New Virtual Assistant – Co-browsing
SAFEC continues to improve the quality of service offered to its members, and thanks to a new online help interface, we are now better able to answer your questions almost instantly through an online chat system. more...
Monthly Renewal: Now Available (01/15/2014)
Monthly Subscription
You can now renew your SAFEC subscription on a monthly basis without a mandatory duration. For $95 per month, you can stay informed on programs meeting the specific needs of your business projects. more...
Alerts System and Reports Pre-Launch (12/20/2013)
New: Alert Report and System
After 2 years of development, we are now at the final trial phase of our new product: the Alert Report and system. SAFEC is currently completing the final trial rounds of this new tool with the help of some subscribers. more...
SAFEC Participates in Stratégies PME 2014 (11/25/2013)
SAFEC participates in Stratégies PME 2014 - Come meet the SAFEC Team!
We invite you to come meet the SAFEC team at Stratégies PME 2014! SAFEC is delighted to be part of the 160 experts at Stratégies PME, held on November 27 and 28 at the Montréal Convention Centre. more...
Training Sessions are Back! (10/31/2013)
Space is Limited!
SAFEC will resume training activities on October 31. Also, in response to feedback from our training participants, the sessions will now be conducted completely in-office starting this fall. more...
SAFEC on Canal Argent (10/29/2013)
Invited as a guest on Canal Argent
On October 29, 2013, Reine Smith, Executive Director of SAFEC, was invited by François Gagnon of "Canal Argent" to discuss SAFEC and the benefits offered to members of chambers of commerce that are SAFEC partners. more...
It's official! SAFEC and the chambers of commerce of Québec (10/24/2013)
It's official! A partnership with the chambers of commerce of Québec
SAFEC is pleased to announce the launch of a partnership that will provide businesses and entrepreneurs throughout Quebec a simplified access to a unique tool to search for assistance and financing programs. more...
SAFEC 3.0 - Now online! (10/18/2013)
SAFEC 3.0 - Come and visit our new website!
Our new website is online! SAFEC 3.0 is a new website, a new brand, a personalized navigation with renewed dynamism. SAFEC is an innovative company and our new site now reflects the innovative side of our company, products and services. more...
A webinar presenting SAFEC 3.0! (10/17/2013)
Register quickly!
Register for this presentation webinar of our new website, SAFEC 3.0! The founder and director of SAFEC, Reine Smith, invites you to this special one-hour presentation during which she will be happy to show you our new website. more...