Information management
Standards for Program Information Publication
The published information on each program is reduced to the essential and separated into three categories: Program Description, Eligibility Criteria, and Available Types of Assistance. This information is condensed to fit onto one letter-size page. If the user wishes to have more information on the program, a hyperlink redirects to the managing organization's website.
Quantity of Information
Our database currently contains 1828 programs offering assistance to businesses. These programs are offered by the Quebec and federal governments, as well as many private organizations that propose financing to enterprises. There are also hundreds of new programs being integrated.
Quality of the Sources
All the information collected on the programs is extracted directly from the websites of program-managing organizations. If several websites publish information on a similar program, and the information does not match or the published information does not appear reliable for various reasons, our team of researchers validates and confirms the correct information by contacting the managing organization before publishing.
Functionality Allowing the Sorting and Consulting of the Programs
We have designed our website with a customized virtual environment that includes many features that facilitate the management of information obtained by our users. These tools include a search engine developed specifically for their needs, a sorting system, space to record comments or draft notes and many more tools to facilitate information review and management.