Flexi-Guarantee - A SAFEC Exclusive
Because a business project can be "positioned" in many ways, our system lets you create and compare an unlimited number of "Business Project Descriptions."
Some of our members are often hesitant when choosing among several "Business Project Descriptions" the one that would maximize the benefits from their subscription. They are afraid to make mistakes without even knowing it!
The Flexi-Guarantee is exclusive to SAFEC and is offered free-of-charge with Regular Plus and Premium Subscriptions.
During the analysis of the "Business Project Description" selected by the subscriber, the advisor may find that the subscriber has not selected the "Business Project Description" that will maximize subscription benefits.
In this case, the advisor will correct the situation and provide the Support Service with the best "Business Project Description" available to meet the subscriber's needs.
During a Support Service session, the SAFEC advisor will implement the Flexi-Guarantee by:
- Analyzing the information available on the subscriber's business project;
- Verifying if the subscriber has chosen the most strategic "Business Project Description" that will produce optimal benefits through the subscription;
- Modifying the selection if the subscriber did not select the best option;
- Proceeding with the Support Service with the best selection available to meet the project's needs.