Governments have released their annual budgets and we now know their impacts on assistance for businesses! Remember that funds offered by certain programs are in high demand and will disappear quickly. PREPARE NOW to benefit from these funds while they last.
In other important news, we have officially launched the Alert Report. Following more than 2 years of development and investment in this innovative project, you will be happy to see how it improves your experience with SAFEC.
Remember to consult our activities calendar and our website on a regular basis to stay informed on the events that will mark the upcoming months. Meanwhile, we invite you to read the following topics:
Remember that you can always at any time:
Subscribers who use SAFEC's tools and services have access to a world of knowledge that helps them reach their goals. We wish you all great success and remind you that SAFEC was created to help you.
Reine Smith, Fin.Pl.
Founder and Executive Director
P.S. We invite you to forward this email to your colleagues, staff and anyone that may be interested in SAFEC – Support, Assistance and Financing for Entrepreneurs in Canada.
Highlights: 2014 Federal Budget |
With respect to business assistance, the Federal government aims to continue last year’s efforts in areas of employment, innovation and research, as well as in infrastructure and natural resources.
The main features announced in regard to these objectives are as follow:
- Creation of the Canada Job Grant: Up to $15,000 per employee
- Increased assistance for persons with disabilities within businesses
- Allocation of an additional $40 million to the Canada Accelerator and Incubator Program
- $75 million over 3 years for the Targeted Initiative for Older Workers
- A new fund created: Apogée Canada, for excellence in research with an investment of $1.5 billion over 10 years
- Allocation of $500 million over 2 years for the Automotive Innovation Fund
- Over $200 million invested in natural resources and energy programs
- Over $500 million for infrastructure
- Over $100 million to support arts programs
For more information on the 2014 Federal Budget, click here!
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Highlights: 2014 Quebec Budget |
For the most part, the 2014 budget of the Government of Quebec aims to support the same objectives as the Federal budget. A description of the main investments planned are as follow:
- $91 million over 10 years for the Quebec Infrastructure Plan
- $430 million to renovate and update schools, community sports and leisure infrastructure
- $50 million for the Sport and Physical Activity Development Fund
- $20 million for workforce training in northern Quebec
- $1 billion for the Mining and Hydrocarbon Capital Fund
- Recapitalization of CLDs (Local Development Centers) over the next 5 years
- $25 million invested in Fonds Anges Québec
- Creation of a new venture capital fund in Quebec, endowed with $50 million
- Support of 300 “Gazelles,” businesses with great potential
- $10 million for the development of the forest biomass industry
- $150 million invested to continue the digital shift in the cultural sector
However, we note that no specific announcements have been made with respect to training and employment.
For more information on the 2014-2015 Quebec Budget, click here!
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Official Launch of the Alert Report |
To understand why we developed the Alert Report, consider this interesting statistic:
The analysis of our activities over the past 9 years has revealed that at least 10% of the content of our database is undergoing a significant change every 6 weeks.
The Alert Report now allows SAFEC members and subscribers to benefit from the effectiveness of monitoring tools. These tools analyze, 4-5 times a day, over 12,000 "web objects" throughout 700 websites, and alert our researchers of changes made to the data on assistance programs listed in our database.
In short, the Alert Report informs members and subscribers of changes to programs that match their Business Project Description(s) as follows:
- Distributed by email
- Generated automatically by our system
- Provides accurate information on changes to program content that meets the needs of the business
- Users determine their frequency
- Users specify the types of alerts
- A new tab in the logged in user account that provides access to features required to "manage" alerts and remain up-to-date on the latest changes made to programs
The Alert Report behaves like a virtual assistant that informs subscribers on assistance and funds available for their organization.
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Price Cut – 2014 Budgets Special |
New budgets for 2014 are being published, and government funds will be filled as of April 1! Prepare NOW and be the first to benefit from financial and non-financial assistance programs that will soon be available.
Only 7% of SMEs use government assistance to finance their activities while you pay ALL the taxes contributing to these funds. Act now and reverse the trend! Take advantage of our exceptional offer!
Simply participate in one of our training sessions and learn everything you need to know to submit your applications to program managing organizations.
Do not wait to long to take advantage of this great PROMOTION on our rates for the “2014 BUDGET” event: $395 for Training 1 instead of $595! Space is limited.
Register NOW! Or call (514) 461-1583 ext. 228
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that guides you to
the assistance
programs you need. |
You don’t know SAFEC?
Watch this video and learn in less than 2 minutes how to optimize your chances of obtaining funds and assistance to achieve all your business projects or participate in a free webinar!
See the video
Free Webinar |
Join our next free webinar on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 to learn about SAFEC and how we can help your business
We invite you to reserve your place as a participant by completing the online registration form, available on our website. Remember, space is limited, and it's free!
Obtained BY and FOR us! |
Almost $2 million
since 2009
SAFEC has obtained almost $2 million in financial assistance to achieve its projects!
Test your eligibility |
Pre-Qualification Tools
Discover your chances of receiving subsidies or financing to realize your projects. And, it's free!
What our subscribers
say about SAFEC: |
Robert Longtin,
Founder and President, eSpaceListings |
"In 2011, I needed to find funding for my expansion project. I told myself that if SAFEC's tool really worked, it was my best option and so I subscribed.
With the help of the Support Service, I followed the steps to successfully collect 4 subsidies: 2 to hire employees and 2 for consulting services. I also received funding for the development of my new website. I renewed my subscription and SAFEC is now an integral tool for my business."
Watch the video |
Louis-Philippe Dea,
Founder of Guerilla Web |
"I've done business with SAFEC to obtain (successfully, might I add) subsidies for the first hiring phase when I was self-employed. The expertise of this company has helped me become a strong business with great future prospects.
Thank you for your support and help. I will never forget." |
Exclusive partnership |
We're proud to announce our special partnership with the Fédération de chambres de commerce du Québec (FCCQ)
To better serve and help business
To promote the products and services of SAFEC
To expand the advantages and benefits offered by the federation and the chambers of commerce across Quebec
For more details,
click here!