Time and money saving
Save time and money
Time is often a rare commodity for entrepreneurs that are profoundly involved in their projects. SAFEC allows them to save a lot of time searching for information on assistance offered by government and private organizations.
Most entrepreneurs have estimated the cost of this manual information search and the importance of finding the right information at the right time.
In most cases, there is at least one program among the countless others that could meet some of the financial needs of your business. Generally, the challenge is to identify which ones correspond to the characteristics of your project, based on your needs and the programs’ eligibility criteria.
Confirm your eligibility
SAFEC is the only organization to offer online tool that provides a quick and honest answer to entrepreneurs' frequently asked questions: "What are my chances of receiving subsidies or financing for this business or project?"
Whether you wish to discover your chances of obtaining subsidies or financing, you just need a couple of minutes to complete a short online survey to receive a clear and precise indication on your chances to obtain funds.
Start your analysis
To learn about your chances to obtain
For cases requiring additional information or for assistance from an advisor to validate your chances of receiving funds, simply indicate that you wish to be contacted by an advisor by following the indicated procedure.