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Business support database

Our systems automatically compile various statistics on the content of our database. The statistics published in this section of the site are compiled according to the main features of the programs that are included in our database.

Therefore, our systems provide you with dynamic statistics on a daily basis, based on the number of programs present and UP-TO-DATE in the database. These statistics are categorized by:

  • Activity sector;
  • Location of the head office of the business or facilities where the project will be conducted;
  • Type of financial assistance offered by each program;
  • Type of non-financial assistance offered by each program.

We emphasize that programs often include many of the features listed in these categories and that must be considered by consulting various statistics sources.

For example, in the Activity Sector category, a program could be offered, in both the Manufacturing Industry and the Culture, Music, Arts and Letters sectors.

It is important to note that the number of programs indicated for each of these categories is not an accurate representation of the number of programs included in our database.