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Tax credits

Governments have initiated a certain number of incentive measures, representing billions of dollars per year, to encourage the taxpaying business owner to reinvest their profits in their business, thus facilitating the development and the expansion of their business.

These fiscal measures are presented as tax credits to the business and can be:

Non-Refundable - Allows to reduce the tax amount payable by the business on its earned income. They represent a considerable percentage of the business' invested sums in some of their activities. If necessary, these tax credits can generally be accumulated and applied at the right moment to pay off the business' taxable income.

Refundable - Allows the business to obtain a refund of a considerable percentage of annual invested sums to realize certain crucial activities for its development and growth.

Some of these tax credits are fairly well-known while others are not, such as:

  • SR&ED Tax Credit;
  • Film-Industry Tax Credit;
  • Job Creation in Specific Designated Regions Tax Credit;
  • On-the-Job Training Tax Credit;
  • Pre-Competitive Research Tax Credit.